martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Loi Macron. Manuel Valls.

Valls déterminé à continuer les réformes

        Publié le 17/02/2015 à 16:29

Après avoir eu recours au 49-3 mardi devant l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi Macron, le premier ministre a assuré, sur TF1, avoir "du carburant pour continuer". De son côté sur France 2, Emmanuel Macron a vu dans cette décision "la preuve que ce gouvernement continue à avancer, continue à réformer".

Link a Le Figaro

Loi Macron: Manuel Valls a recours à l'article 49-3
Le premier ministre Manuel Valls engage la responsabilité du gouvernement dans le cadre du vote de la loi Macron mardi après-midi à l'Assemblée nationale. "Le gouvernement m'a autorisé à engager la responsabilité" de l'exécutif, a annoncé le chef du gouvernement devant les députés, confirmant le recours à la procédure dite du 49-3.

Article et vidéo

FRANCE Loi Macron : François Hollande sur la corde raide
La loi Macron ne sera finalement pas soumise au vote des députés. Le Premier ministre a préféré le recours à l'article 49.3 plutôt que de risquer de manquer la majorité à une ou deux voix près. "Stupéfiant", pour The Wall Street Journal.

"Hollande évite le vote", estime The Wall Street Journal, ce 17 février, après l'annonce du Premier ministre Manuel Valls d'avoir recours à l'article 49.3 pour éviter que la loi Macron soit rejetée par les députés. Le quotidien économique rappelle que le texte était vu dans les rangs mêmes du Parti socialiste comme un "ensemble controversé de réformes économiques". Le recours à l’article 49.3 doit sauver cette loi pensée pour "secouer les règles de l’économie française".

"Cette manœuvre d’urgence affiche au grand jour, et d’une manière stupéfiante, la corde raide sur laquelle avance François Hollande pour imposer sa politique" en faveur des entreprises, constate le quotidien américain. "Les députés 'frondeurs' risquaient de torpiller la loi, mais aussi de relancer les doutes sur la capacité de la majorité parlementaire à continuer de gouverner."

Link courrier international

Why Adam Smith Would Welcome Le Loi Macron

The way that President Hollande and his Socialist government have had to push Le Loi Macron through the Chamber of Deputies shows how resistant France is to even the mildest deregulation. They actually had to prevent it coming to a vote and simply declare that it moved on to the Senate as it was highly likely that they were going to lose a vote. This leaves them open to a vote of confidence and if they lose that (which they almost certainly won’t) then there’s the possibility of a snap election. And all of this is over what is really a very minor set of deregulatory steps. There’s about 100 of them, but they’re all in themselves terribly minor: even if Adam Smith would approve of at least some of them.

Here’s what they actually had to do to get it through:

    The government of President François Hollande pushed a contentious package of economic overhauls through the lower house of Parliament Tuesday in a rare exercise of constitutional powers that revealed deep rifts within his Socialist party.

    Mr. Hollande’s government became the first in nearly a decade to invoke Article 49 of the French Constitution—which allows legislation to bypass an initial vote in the lower house and proceed directly to the Senate for review—in a bid to rescue a bill designed to shake up France’s rule-bound economy.

There’s a few bits and pieces about Sunday opening hours for shops which will please those who like to shop on the weekends but not really affect the economy all that much:

    Martine Aubry, the daughter of former EU commission president Jacques Delors and an influential socialist party figure, has attacked the plan to increase the number of Sundays shops can open from five a year to 12, calling it “social regression”. The green party and the far left parties are expected to oppose the bill too.

Allowing a shop to open one Sunday a month doesn’t sound all that much like social regression but they see things differently in France. and that’s a useful confirmation of the old saw that there’s no one quite as conservative as a socialist politician. But this is the part that would have had Adam Smith cheering:

    Instead, the government focuses on more than 100 individual measures aimed at a step-by-step liberalization in sectors that to a certain degree still enjoy privileges dating back to the French Revolution in the late 18th century.

    Some professions – for instance notaries, lawyers and bailiffs – will face more competition in the future.

One way to think of Wealth of Nations is as an extended argument against the guild economy. An economy where various people held privileged positions by right of licence, regulation or law, and people were not allowed to compete with them. And, much more than Northern European economies, the Southern European ones (and in this sense France is in the South) are still rather like this. The bourgeois (and the petit bourgeois as well in many cases) achieve a privileged position doing whatever it is and then the law protects them from competition. This even extends to things like ski instructors at French alpine resorts: you must have a French licence to be able to teach anyone. Not dissimilar to the licensure regulations that are infesting the US to be honest.

Smith’s point was that such regulations and restrictions were just great for the people doing the providing of goods and services. But very much less beneficial for the people doing the consuming of such goods and services. And as, to Smith at least, the point and purpose of the economy was to provide opportunities for consumption such restrictions were a bad idea. France is currently taking what are very much baby steps and some 270 years after Smith made his point but then the French have never really taken to Smith as a theorist. Still, it’s to be applauded as it will make things better for those consumers.

My latest book is “23 Things We Are Telling You About Capitalism” At Amazon or Amazon UK. A critical (highly critical) re-appraisal of Ha Joon Chang’s “23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism”.


París. 18.02.15

El gobierno socialista francés aprobó este martes por decreto un polémico proyecto de ley de reformas a la economía, ante el riesgo de que diputados de su propio partido lo hicieran fracasar, abriendo una crisis política de consecuencias imprevisibles.

El texto, conocido como ley Macron por el nombre del ministro de Economía, Emmanuel Macron, prevé medidas como la apertura de comercios 12 domingos al año, la revisión de las tarifas que aplican desde jueces hasta notarios, la apertura de los transportes urbanos a la competencia o medidas para flexibilizar el mercado laboral, la vivienda y el medio ambiente.
Link al escrito noticia 
Valls supera ampliamente la moción de censura. 20.02.15

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