martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Grecia: No sólo las intenciones sino la realidad de los intereses es lo determinante.


Poco a poco la realidad va determinando el curso de los acontecimientos.

Dear President of the Euro group,

In the Euro group of 20 February 2015the Greek government was invited to present to the institutions, by Monday 23rd February 2015, a first comprehensive list of reform measures it is envisaging, to be further specified and agreed by the end of April 2015.

In addition to codifying its reform agenda, in accordance with PM Tsipras’ programmatic statement to Greece’s Parliament, the Greek government also committed to working in close agreement with European partners and institutions, as well as with the International Monetary Fund, and take actions that strengthen fiscal sustainability, guarantee financial stability and promote economic recovery.

The first comprehensive list of reform measures follows below, as envisaged by the Greek government. It is our intention to implement them while drawing upon available technical assistance and financing from the European Structural and Investment Funds.


Yanis Varoufakis
Minister of Finance
Hellenic Republic

Las propuestas al Euro grupo

Así ven las propuestas griegas

Las propuestas griegas son aprobadas por el Euro grupo

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