sábado, 30 de octubre de 2021



Alasdair Macintyre received Masters of Arts degrees from the University of Manchester and the University of Oxford, and currently holds the titles of Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Contemporary Aristotelian Studies in Ethics and Politics at London Metropolitan University and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. 

Macintyre's most work has been most influential in moral and political philosophy, but it also incorporates the history of philosophy and theology. Arguing from history, Macintyre's work is largely concerned with accounting for the decline of morality and moral rationality in society since the Enlightenment, and reclaiming the philosophy of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas as a potential solution to what he sees as society's current ills. This makes him an Aritstotelian-Thomist.

Macintyre is most well known for his influential book After Virtue (1981), which explores the above-mentioned ideas. The book represents a shift in his philosophical approach, as prior to that point he had primarily been a Marxist. 

In the book, Macintyre develops his critique of modern liberal capitalism and the society it has produced, arguing that because there is an absence of any coherent moral code, the sense of purpose and community has been lost for most people in modern society. Macintyre argues for a return to purpose and community through a return to virtue ethics.

Web resource: Alasdair Macintyre's Home Page.

MacIntyre’s philosophy is important to the fields of virtue ethics and communitarian politics, but MacIntyre has denied belonging to either school of thought.  MacIntyre has identified himself as a Thomist since 1984, but some Thomists question his Thomism because he emphasizes Thomas Aquinas’s treatment of human agency but rejects the neo-Thomist project of creating a Thomist moral epistemology based on the metaphysics of human nature.  

MacIntyre continues to point out the irrelevance of conventional business ethics, conceived as an application of modern moral theories to business decision making, but some scholars in the field of business ethics have begun to apply MacIntyre’s Aristotelian account of agency and virtue to the study of organizational systems, to develop ways of renewing moral agency and practical rationality within companies. MacIntyre has played an important role in the renewal of Aristotelian ethics and politics in the last three decades and has made a valued contribution to the advancement of Thomistic philosophy.


Alasdair Macintyre recibió una Maestría en Artes de la Universidad de Manchester y la Universidad de Oxford, y actualmente tiene los títulos de Investigador Senior en el Centro de Estudios Aristotélicos Contemporáneos en Ética y Política de la Universidad Metropolitana de Londres y Profesor Emérito de Filosofía en la Universidad. de Notre Dame.

La mayor parte del trabajo de Macintyre ha sido más influyente en la filosofía moral y política, pero también incorpora la historia de la filosofía y la teología. Partiendo de la historia, el trabajo de Macintyre se ocupa en gran medida de dar cuenta del declive de la moralidad y la racionalidad moral en la sociedad desde la Ilustración, y de reclamar la filosofía de Aristóteles y Tomás de Aquino como una posible solución a lo que él ve como los males actuales de la sociedad. Esto lo convierte en un aritstotélico-tomista.

Macintyre es más conocido por su influyente libro After Virtue (1981), que explora las ideas antes mencionadas. El libro representa un cambio en su enfoque filosófico, ya que antes de ese punto había sido principalmente marxista.

En el libro, Macintyre desarrolla su crítica del capitalismo liberal moderno y la sociedad que ha producido, argumentando que debido a la ausencia de un código moral coherente, el sentido de propósito y comunidad se ha perdido para la mayoría de las personas en la sociedad moderna. Macintyre aboga por un regreso al propósito y la comunidad a través de un regreso a la ética de la virtud.

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