lunes, 7 de enero de 2019

Conversaciones de café: 6 de enero 2019

Conversaciones de café: 6 de enero 2019

Percy C. Acuña Vigil

Información que es de mi interés¡
06 janvier 2019

Netanyahu, el ministro favorito de ... Netanyahu

El primer ministro Netanyahu también posee las carteras de Defensa, Asuntos Exteriores, Salud y Asuntos Religiosos, sin precedentes en la historia de Israel.

Netanyahu pronto romperá el récord de longevidad al frente del gobierno israelí, récord de 13 años y 4 meses, que anteriormente tenía David Ben Gurion. Pero ya ha superado al padre fundador de Israel por el número de carteras acumuladas con la dirección del gobierno. Donde el Primer Ministro Ben Gurion ha sido su propio Ministro de Defensa durante más de once años, Netanyahu ahora combina, además de Defensa y Asuntos Exteriores, las carteras de Salud y Asuntos Religiosos. Esta situación sin precedentes está vinculada a un ejercicio de poder muy personalizado, en vista de las elecciones anticipadas del 9 de abril.

Nétanyahou, le ministre préféré de… Nétanyahou


Israel to Demand $250 bln Compensations for Jews Expelled From Arab States © AFP 2018 / Ahmad Gharabli

21:10 06.01.2019(updated 21:13 06.01.2019) Get short URL13622

In 2014, Israel passed a law making every 30 November a day commemorating the deportation of Jews from Arab and Iranian lands, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin calling for financial reparations over the matter.

Israel will demand compensation from seven Arab states (Morocco, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, and Libya) and Iran for the property abandoned by Jews who were forced to flee those countries after the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948 and the subsequent Arab-Israeli war.

"The time has come to correct the historic injustice of the pogroms (against Jews) in seven Arab countries and Iran, and to restore, to hundreds of thousands of Jews who lost their property, what is rightfully theirs", Israel's minister for social equality, Gila Gamliel, who is coordinating the Israeli government's handling of the issue, said on Saturday.

READ MORE: Israeli Media Expose Covert Cyberwarfare Firm Recruiting IDF Hackers

Syrian government supporters wave Syrian, Iranian and Russian flags as they chant slogans against U.S. President Trump during demonstrations following a wave of U.S., British and French military strikes to punish President Bashar Assad for suspected chemical attack against civilians, in Damascus, Syria, Saturday, April 14, 2018

Israeli Media Claims Tel Aviv Should Fear Trump's 'Carte Blanche' for Iran in Syria
In total, Israel will seek over $250 billion, including at least $35 billion in compensation from Tunisia, and $15 billion from Libya, Hadashot news reported.

According to Israel, nearly 800,000 people had to move to the country after 1948; however, they did not seek formal refugee status from the international community. At the same time, over 50,000 Jews went to the US, France, Italy, and other places.


Space‘Studying Ultima Thule Could Help Answer How Our Planet Came to be’ - ScientistCC0 / Pixabay

13:00 06.01.2019(updated 14:06 06.01.2019) Get short URL 0 22
NASA has released an image of a space object at the very edge of our Solar System, some 6 billion kilometers away. The New Horizons spacecraft flew past the space body called Ultima Thule from the Kuiper Belt in the early hours of New Year’s Day.
Sputnik has discussed this with Dr. John Spencer, a project scientist on NASA's New Horizons mission.

Sputnik: So, what is Ultima Thule like?
Dr. John Spencer: Well, it's a remarkable object. It is the first time we've seen any of these vast swarm of objects on the edge of the solar system beyond Neptune, which we think a leftover building blocks of the planets. They're frozen in time showing us the processes that produced the planet four and a half billion years ago. So we were really excited to see one of these objects up close for the first time.

This is a handout photo from the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, Calif., showing the Voyager 2 spacecraft. On the right side of the craft is girder-like boom which holds science project equipment and imaging camera. The platform at the far end of the boom apparently got stuck-perhaps caused by a collision with particles from Saturn's rings, limiting movement of some of the equipment, according to JPL scientists. (AP-Photo/HO) 26.8.1981
© AP Photo / HO

Happy Space Trails: NASA’s Voyager 2 Probe Departs Solar System

And we found it to be an amazing object. It consists of two almost spherical bodies stuck together. We even see a narrow collar where the two objects are connected that we don't understand yet. And we seem to have caught part of the process of the formation of the planet frozen in time, just exactly the kind of thing we were hoping to see by exploring these very strange new worlds.
Sputnik: Now how has its conjoined nature come about then? You're talking about them stuck together how has this been formed?

Dr John Spencer: It must've happened very gently for these two objects, which look like they formed separately to have come together and not destroyed each other in the collision. It's telling us that whatever process it was that brought them together was happening slowly and that's what you needed in order to build planets.

READ MORE: 'Bat Shadow' 200 Times Size of Solar System Spotted by Hubble Telescope (PHOTO)

You have to bring things together slowly so they don't just smash into smaller pieces and we are seeing that process frozen in time. We don't understand how that happened yet. We had a big discussion on the science team about how could this have happened, how could they have come together so gently and we don't understand that yet.

Sputnik: What can the global audience learn by studying Ultima Thule's topography and composition and what specifically are you most excited about in terms of your area of expertise that you want to find out further information?
Meteor over New Zealand

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Dr John Spencer: The big things, I think that we will learn that will be of general interest will be how did the planets form, how did this planet that we're living on coming into existence, how did we come into existence. So these are the very big question that we can learn about by studying this object and the other objects around it; because in the inner solar system where we are, close to the Sun, all traces of that early process have been destroyed by the building of the planet.

Out there in the Kuiper Belt, those processes have been frozen and we can observe them as they were happening four and a half billion years ago. So those are the big sort of questions that we are answering, which I think are of interest to anyone who cares about where we came from and what we're doing here orbiting the Sun.

And then personally, I'm really looking forward to seeing the detailed images. We have much more detailed images on the spacecraft. We think we were successful in capturing that given the telemetry we've got from the spacecraft. So we expect that we will be able to see much more detailed images in a couple of months that will maybe tell us more about how this collision happened, how these individual spherical objects were formed before they came together, what processes have happened since. So I think we're going to learn a lot more when we see the more detailed images.

Sputnik: Does the Ultima Thule have moons and if so what can they look like and what does it tell us about the Ultima Thule?

Dr. John Spencer: It's another thing we're really interested in is whether there are moons around this object. We have looked for moons in some of the data that we've sent back already and we haven't found any but there might still be other small moons orbiting around and we haven't sent back all the data back yet so they could be hiding the data that we haven't looked at yet.

This NASA handout obtained October 21, 2009, shows an artist's concept of the Kuiper Belt Object nicknamed Xena, with its moon dubbed Gabrielle just above


NASA New Year's Flyby of Ultima Thule Offers Clues on Solar System Formation (PHOTOS)

And because these objects did come together in some kind of mysterious very low-speed collision that might have caused other debris to fly off that might still be in orbit, or these two objects may have formed in a swarm of smaller objects some of which could still be around. So we would be very interested to see if we have any other small moons. They would probably be less than a kilometer across, but they might still be there and as soon as we get the data down we will be looking very hard to see if we can find anything that we've missed so far.

Sputnik: So what happens next for the New Horizons probe?

Dr. John Spencer: We will continue out of the Solar System. It will take us more than a year to send back all the data that we took, and we will be continuing to look at the other small objects in the Kuiper Belt.

READ MORE: NASA's Parker Solar Probe Breaks Record for Closest and Fastest Approach to Sun
We will be looking, making distant observations of larger objects out there, some of the dwarf planets and we will be continuing to investigate the solar wind that is a stream of gas that comes out from the Sun that eventually runs into interstellar winds about three times further from the Sun than we are right now, and we will be continuing to talk to the spacecraft for many years to come and we hope to learn more about the interaction between the solar wind and the interstellar wind as we get closer to that boundary. So there's a lot more for the spacecraft to do.


Israel Strikes Two Hamas Military Posts in Gaza - IDF © AP Photo / Tsafrir Abayov

19:34 06.01.2019(updated 20:57 06.01.2019) Get short URL2616

In late December, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they had detected a rocket launch from the Gaza Strip, which was the first attack from the Palestinian enclave on the Israeli territory in over a month, and responded to it by striking a Hamas post in the south of Gaza.
The IDF posted a photo of a suspicious cluster of balloons, saying that it had explosives attached to it.

The plane with explosives landed near the settlement of Sdot Negev in the Southern District of Israel and was defused by police sappers.

According to the IDF, it's helicopters attacked two Hamas positions in Gaza following the attempted attack.

Israel ambulance

At least 1 Hurt as Gunmen Attack Public Bus North of Jerusalem - IDF
One strike hit an observation point for Hamas's armed wing, while another one occurred east of Gaza City, AFP reported, citing a Hamas security source.

Tensions on the Israeli border with Gaza flared up during the Great March of Return rally, which began on March 30, 2018, on the 70th anniversary of the foundation of Israel and in protest against the moving of the US embassy to Jerusalem, which Palestinians consider to be their capital.

Hamas seized control of Gaza from the Palestinian Authority in 2007 following Fatah's defeat in the 2014 parliamentary elections.

Francia: La carta patriótica:

Según Benjamin Griveaux, los chalecos amarillos que siguen movilizados "quieren una insurrección".

Hugo Rouet

En una intervención en la que los televisores volvieron a tomar la saciedad, el portavoz del gobierno dijo en voz alta lo que pensaba de Vests Yellow.

Según Benjamin Griveaux, el movimiento de los chalecos amarillos se ha "convertido en el acto de los agitadores" que quieren "derrocar al gobierno". Estas palabras se pronunciaron a la salida del Consejo de Ministros, en vísperas de lo que ya se anunció como la Ley VIII del movimiento.

Según él, el movimiento dio un giro "insurreccional". "Desde los anuncios de Emmanuel Macron, el movimiento dice que las chaquetas amarillas se han convertido para aquellos que siguen movilizados en un movimiento de agitadores que quieren la insurrección y derrocan al gobierno", dijo.

A modo de prueba, según él: "Los que llamaron al debate no quieren participar en el gran debate nacional".

Después de las declaraciones de Emmanuel Macron en la "multitud de odio", aquí hay nuevas palabras que no arriesgan a calmar a los espíritus.

¿El Poder busca la confrontación?

Frederic Legrand - COMEO / Shutterstock
Sophie Mestral

Hay algo de qué preocuparse. El Poder, que sabe que todas sus declaraciones más leves se estudian bajo el microscopio, que todos sus movimientos son analizados, continúa las declaraciones despectivas, incluso insultantes, a la dirección de los Chalecos Amarillos.

Ya sea que uno cuente entre los apoyos de estos Chalecos o no, que uno considere que su movimiento es interesante o no, que uno se siente preocupado o no, uno está necesariamente muy asombrado, y la palabra es débil, ante la actitud del gobierno. estos últimos días. Desde el presidente que hace los votos a la nación para insultar a algunas personas, al portavoz del gobierno que da una capa, a través de los arrestos sin causa, "preventivo" (que es muy complicado para justificar legalmente (no estamos en Minority Report), se envían muchos carteles belicosos por lo que se parece cada vez más a un gobierno de bomberos bomberos.

La verdadera pregunta es, por lo tanto, palpitante, pesada y aterradora también: ¿el Poder busca la confrontación? ¿Tenemos niños de piel mala al frente del estado que llevan la barbilla hacia adelante como los Sharks and Jets of West Side Story, con la final que sabemos?

En resumen, ¿estamos en peligro?

Que el Poder no haya entendido nada sobre el movimiento actual es obvio. Pero empuja al odio y la confrontación, ya es más preocupante.

¿A dónde estan tratando de llevarnos?

Una actitud que desprecia a un hambriento chaleco amarillo, es común en los medios.
Christian Combaz


El calor humano de estas reuniones de chalecos amarillos, el deseo de expresarse finalmente son obviamente el primer combustible con el que el movimiento puede contar.


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